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Wonju Hotel Deluna
Republika Korei
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Bezpłatne Wi-Fi we wszystkich pokojach!, Wi-Fi w miejscach publicznych
Gdzie będziesz spać
Standard (a clean and modern room with 3 types of designs)
VIP (the most lovely room with a round bed and private curtains)
Standard (a clean and modern room with 3 types of designs) (4 hour use only)
Standard (a clean and modern room with 3 types of designs) (5 hour use only)
Standard (a clean and modern room with 3 types of designs) (6 hour use only)
VIP (the most lovely room with a round bed and private curtains) (6 hour use only)
VIP (the most lovely room with a round bed and private curtains) (4 hour use only)
VIP (the most lovely room with a round bed and private curtains) (5 hour use only)
Premium (High-quality room with 2 no-hard PCs and a bathtub for 2 people)
1 queen bed
Deluxe (a well-organized room with a bathtub for one person and a large dining table)
Wonju Hotel Deluna
Wŏnju, Republika Korei
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