Motel per Viaggi su Strada
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Pohang Yeongildae Design Motel A2
Corea del Sud
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Dove dormirai
1 queen bed
VVIP (2 latest high-end gaming PCs, ocean view, Netflix available (personal ID)) (4 hour use only)
Standard room (1 PC with the latest high-end gaming, Netflix available (personal ID)) (4 hour use only)
VVIP (2 latest high-end gaming PCs, ocean view, Netflix available (personal ID)) (5 hour use only)
VVIP (2 latest high-end gaming PCs, ocean view, Netflix available (personal ID)) (6 hour use only)
1 queen bed
Standard room (1 PC with the latest high-end gaming, Netflix available (personal ID)) (6 hour use only)
Standard room (1 PC with the latest high-end gaming, Netflix available (personal ID)) (5 hour use only)
VVIP (2 latest high-end gaming PCs, double bed, Netflix available (personal ID)) (6 hour use only)
VVIP (2 latest high-end gaming PCs, double bed, Netflix available (personal ID)) (5 hour use only)
Pohang Yeongildae Design Motel A2
Pohang-si, Corea del Sud
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