Motel per Viaggi su Strada
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Incheon (Yeonan Pier) Ace
Corea del Sud
Non Valutato
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Non Valutato
Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
Standard (Netflix, Instant Noodle)
Standard (Netflix, Instant Noodle) (6 hour use only)
Standard (Netflix, Instant Noodle) (4 hour use only)
Standard (Netflix, Instant Noodle) (5 hour use only)
Twin (10,000 won per person if the standard number of people is exceeded (payment on site))
Twin (10,000 won per person if the standard number of people is exceeded (payment on site)) (4 hour use only)
Family Suite
Twin (10,000 won per person if the standard number of people is exceeded (payment on site)) (5 hour use only)
Ondol (Netflix, Instant Noodle)
Twin (10,000 won per person if the standard number of people is exceeded (payment on site)) (6 hour use only)
Incheon (Yeonan Pier) Ace
Incheon, Corea del Sud
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