Motel per Viaggi su Strada
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Daejeon Yongjeon Q
Corea del Sud
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
Movie station (beam projector, queen bed (2), dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel bedding, bathtub
Movie station (beam projector, queen bed (2), dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel bedding, bathtub (6 hour use only)
Movie station (beam projector, queen bed (2), dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel bedding, bathtub (4 hour use only)
Movie station (beam projector, queen bed (2), dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel bedding, bathtub (5 hour use only)
Play Station (Nintendo) (Nintendo Switch, queen bed, two-seater sofa & side table, smart TV, luxury
Music station (speaker) (high-end Bluetooth speaker, books, dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel be
Music station (speaker) (high-end Bluetooth speaker, books, dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel be
Play Station (Nintendo) (Nintendo Switch, queen bed, two-seater sofa & side table, smart TV, luxury (6 hour use only)
Music station (speaker) (high-end Bluetooth speaker, books, dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel be (4 hour use only)
Music station (speaker) (high-end Bluetooth speaker, books, dining table, smart TV, luxury hotel be (6 hour use only)
Daejeon Yongjeon Q
Daejeon, Corea del Sud
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