Motels für Roadtrips
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Yongin Metro 21
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Was dieses Ort hat zu bieten
Aktivitäten und Entspannungsmöglichkeiten
Computer im Zimmer
Dienstleistungen und Annehmlichkeiten
Kostenloses WLAN in allen Zimmern!, WLAN in öffentlichen Bereichen
Wo du schlafen wirst
Special room (all rooms with no-hard PUBG specifications, styler, Netflix available) (6 hour use only)
Limitless hour room-Suite room (check-in before 12:00, until 6:00 pm)
Limitless hour room-Suite room (check-in before 12:00, until 6:00 pm) (5 hour use only)
Special room (all rooms with no-hard PUBG specifications, styler, Netflix available) (4 hour use only)
Limitless hour room-Suite room (check-in before 12:00, until 6:00 pm) (4 hour use only)
Special room (all rooms with no-hard PUBG specifications, styler, Netflix available) (5 hour use only)
Limitless hour room-Suite room (check-in before 12:00, until 6:00 pm) (6 hour use only)
Special room (all rooms with no-hard PUBG specifications, styler, Netflix available)
Standard room (no-hard PC in all rooms, Disney, Netflix, free movies, TV replay available) (5 hour use only)
Standard room (no-hard PC in all rooms, Disney, Netflix, free movies, TV replay available) (6 hour use only)
Yongin Metro 21
Yongin-si, Südkorea
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